In Memory

Wendy Dirks-D (1-26-23)

Wendy Dirks-D (1-26-23)

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02/12/23 08:47 AM #4    

Marsha Virene (Matthews)

That is such sad news about Wendy. I didn't really know her, but she must have been a wonderful person because of all her achievements. She certainly lived life to the fullest in spite of her illness. That is so sad her son went before her a few years back. She is at peace now with her loved ones. God Bless you, Wendy. 

02/12/23 10:10 AM #5    

Georgia Krause

Besides having a fine academic mind, Wendy also had a wonderfully absurd sense of humor which she shared on her online soap opera series on which she used various Barbie dolls (and a few Kens) to comment on current topics and politics. It was absolutely hysterical!! Wendy made all the miniature sets, props, costumes, wrote the scripts and voiced the scenes. What a fascinating and gentle soul. I'll miss her.

02/12/23 01:24 PM #6    

Donna Starin (Yancey)

I think I remember her. Sorry she had such a long illness. I love what George Krause said about her. I would've loved to have seen that.


02/12/23 07:10 PM #7    

Jean "Frosty" Pengelly (Lay)

Many of us got to connect with Wendy on here and on Facebook  I loved her intelligence, humor and wit as she faced this disease  I will miss her funny blog posts and her crazy experiences in the hospital with a screamer in the bed near hers. How she dealt with this was amazing.   


02/13/23 11:36 AM #8    

Susan "Sue" Anderson (Kvasnicka)

Such sad news about the passing of Wendy. It appears she lived a life full of adventures but passed too soon. Rest in peace Wendy. Hoping you have met up with your son and are laughing together reliving old memories. 

02/13/23 12:06 PM #9    

Susan "Sue" Langguth

So sorry to hear about Wendy's passing. I didn't know her personally. But hearing about her from the comments, I wish I had. Rest in peace, Wendy.

02/14/23 02:03 AM #10    

Anthony Capps

I'm sorry to hear of Wendy's passing. She was a real trooper and full of life despite her malady. I remember her well as a quiet but assured classmate.  She always had a smile and cheerful disposition.  RIP Wendy. 

02/14/23 01:21 PM #11    

Jeffrey "Jeff" Ortmann

I agree with Frosty's comments. Those of us who followed her on Facebook were privy to the ups and downs of her health issues, the ins and outs of home, hospital, and hospice care and how she handled and documented this was truly incredible. Her academic accomplishments, lifestyle, sense of humor, and creativity are to be admired. She will be missed. 

02/14/23 02:29 PM #12    

John Simanton

Sue Langguth speaks for me as well, I wish I had known here.  RIP!

02/16/23 05:50 PM #13    

Lawrence "Larry" DiFazzio





My deepest sympathy to Wendy's husband & family your in my prayers.


I first met Wendy at the methodist church in the summer of 1967.  My mother had just passed away from breast cancer.  A sad and confusing time and Wendy changed that for me and life was fun through high school.

I gave Wendy the playboy bunny head necklace that she is wearing in her high school graduation picture, she wore it every day.  Good bye (bunny), I'll never forget you none of us will.


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