I remember John being a very good skier. I would see him at Four Lakes "shushing" down the slopes. I thought he might have been on the ski patrol also. Anyone remember Ski Club?
John and I used to walk home from High school together. He had a great sense of humor and I looked forward to our daily walks. We used to talk about the shows we watched on T.V. I think one we discussed a lot was "Leave it to Beaver." He was so much fun to be around. I don't know why John passed away so early. I was very sad to hear that he had. I was hoping it was a mistake. My Dad and I bought his car after college. It was a white and green Chevy Vega. It was so long ago they don't make those cars any more. There also aren't that many people around that were as wonderful and such a great friend as John either. Thanks for the wonderful memories, John.
Jean "Frosty" Pengelly (Lay)
I had a little crush on John. He was a fun guy. So sorry we lost him so young.
Lee Dane (Gonzalez)
I remember John being a very good skier. I would see him at Four Lakes "shushing" down the slopes. I thought he might have been on the ski patrol also. Anyone remember Ski Club?
Lynda Boden (Rahal)
Po Hubka was a very good skier. He was a friend and neighbor of Bobby Rahal’s
Marsha Virene (Matthews)
John and I used to walk home from High school together. He had a great sense of humor and I looked forward to our daily walks. We used to talk about the shows we watched on T.V. I think one we discussed a lot was "Leave it to Beaver." He was so much fun to be around. I don't know why John passed away so early. I was very sad to hear that he had. I was hoping it was a mistake. My Dad and I bought his car after college. It was a white and green Chevy Vega. It was so long ago they don't make those cars any more. There also aren't that many people around that were as wonderful and such a great friend as John either. Thanks for the wonderful memories, John.